Incredible Engraving Ideas for Your Wedding Rings

with something romantic, personal and meaningful to both of you, whether simple, humorous, romantic, crazy or religious. The engraving will be on the inside of the ring, so it will be a joyful secret which only wearers could know.

How Ring Engraving Works

Just need to give your ideas to a jeweler and they will help you engrave on your wedding band. Please make sure that for both online and offline shopping, you need to check with the jeweler carefully to ensure the ring gets finished and delivered before your wedding day.
Provide the message, symbol or anything you want to engrave on the ring to the jeweler. Write down instructions to avoid any confusion. Note to the jeweler so they could update you the images after it is finished so you could double check to make sure that everything is going well.

What you should choose to engrave on your wedding rings?

1. Significant dates

Significant dates are a very common choice for engraving wedding rings to fit inside because it’s short yet meaningful.
It could be your first date, your wedding date or any special date which you shared with each other. If you love something simple, the digit number such as 23.08.14 or 23/08/2014 will be good, if you prefer the look of the date written out, you could write it out: Aug. 23, 2014.
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Wedding rings with significant date

2. Names or Initials

Besides the dates, many couples also choose to engrave their names or initials on the wedding ring. An example of using first names is “Alex + Hannah.” You can also use “&”, “and”, “♥️”, “<3” to connect the names. This incorporates both partners in the ring inscription as a symbol of the two of you being together forever.
Initials: Replace your full names with your initials as part of the inscription. This saves space if you want to add other words. Use just your first initials or use first and last initials.
Last name: Simply engrave the last name on the ring if one person will take the other person’s name as part of the marriage ceremony.
Monogram: if after getting married, the bride adopts her husband’s family name, another way to tie together the two people in the marriage is to create a monogram using their same last name initial and the initials of each person’s first name. The last name initial typically goes in the middle with a larger font.
Nicknames: If you have special nicknames to call one another, engraving them on your wedding ring will be such a cute idea.

4. Short Sentiments

A short sentiment to say what you think about your partner or your personality and the essence of your relationship. The quotes should be maximum 5 words to make sure it has enough space.

5. Bible Verses

You could find many meaningful bible verses to engrave on your wedding ring, especially the one that you plan to read at the wedding. This reminds your partner of your wedding day always. Shorten if the entire bible verse won’t fit on the ring, or simply put the name of the verse on the ring.

6. Song Lyrics or Poems

It will be so easy to find a meaningful lyric or poems from your favorite list. However, it’s too long to engrave the whole, so just choose the most meaningful parts to narrow down a specific phrase.

7. Funny Phrases

If both of you are fun and always love laughing at the other, it will be awesome to add laughter to your wedding ring which makes you both smile.
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Wedding rings with funny phrases

8. Significant Locations

Every couple will have special locations that mean a lot to them. It could be the place you first met, the place you first time travelled together, the place he asked for an engagement proposal, etc. You could engrave the name of the place or GPS coordinates of the location to remind both of you this special place always.
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Wedding rings with coordinates

9. Drawing

If you love something more visualization, you could consider engraving your drawing into the wedding ring instead of a word. It should be a doodle art, chibi or drawing of two of you which needs to be small enough to fit onto the ring.


Your actual fingerprint will be engraved on your wedding rings. You could choose to engrave your partner’s fingerprint on your ring and vice versa or engrave both fingerprints of you on the rings. Use your ring finger to make it more meaningful.
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Wedding rings with fingerprints

11. Split Message

As the ring is small to hold the whole message, and the splitting message on two rings will emphasize the idea of two separate people coming together to form a couple. Just need to place each part of the phrase on each ring. When the bands are next to one another, the phrase is complete and makes sense.
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Wedding rings with Split Message


If you are looking for your perfect wedding rings, our custom wedding rings or engravable jewelry ideas will be great to take a look.
